But of course not all credits should go with the cars, as its the driving method that counts most, however the same measure cant be said with Toyota's marketing team, as their usual marketing and over hyping tradition goes, both manufacturers had a very different approach to announcing this MPG Marathon news, with Toyota laying almost all credits to the cars alone, Mazda almost spoke of nothing of their efficiency prowess, putting most credits to the drivers, and followed by driving tips of:
Mazda’s ‘Smarter Motoring’ Tips
* Change up ‘early’ through the gears, just before the ‘peak-torque’ rpm
* Ease your speed. Driving at 70mph uses around 15 per cent more fuel than at 50mph
* Anticipate to avoid unnecessary braking and stopping
* Use the air-conditioning sparingly as it increases fuel consumption
* Switch off the engine whenever it is safe to do so
* Check tyre pressures regularly
* Remove unnecessary weight from your car
* Reduce aerodynamic drag whenever possible, e.g. removing roof racks when not in use
* Follow the recommended servicing schedule
Again, watch this video of a 1.5 ltr Hybrid Toyota Prius consuming more fuel than a BMW M3 with a fire breathing 4.2 ltr V8 engine.