Together with the revealing of the three EVs Chrysler has been fiddling their hands with, the Chrysler Peapod was also mentioned, stating that its the Number 1 EV in United States, with 38,000 of them in use currently. Where they did not mention, perhaps they're all rolling around in Chrysler's factory, some undergoing testing on the brakes, another undergoing testing for the batteries, and all in all 38,000 of them was undergoing something. It seems after the Fuel Cell craze, EV is what everyone's shouting about to get shareholders to hold off from throwing off their shares in what seems like a Bear market coming right up. The folks and Jalopnik however, decided its time to cheer up Chrysler's shareholders and in true Jalopnik fashion of notoriety, organized a photochop contest for their readers to see who could cheer up Chrysler's shareholders the most with the Peapod. Good job done I would say. Check it out.
Source: Jalopnik