Then the heart stopping, adrenaline pumping guess on the exact name of the new Lamborghini 4 seater, which supposingly was meant to continue the legacy of the Lamborghini Espada; had fans and journalists all over the world scouring for leads and hints.
Then a breakthrough came when the name Lamborghini Urus was found to be registered by Lamborghini Automobili SpA, which was the most concrete evidence since the rumors and speculations run wild. Then word came from WorldCarFans yesterday that the new Lamborghini could be named Estoque, which closely resembles the Espada name (by a single 'E') as claimed.

As for further details of the Estoque/Urus, we can refer back to the 2006 leaked Lamborghini Lagartijo photo taken by a very unfaithful Lamborghini insider (hand shaken) during the presentation of the Lagartijo, it clearly states a Luxury Gran Turismo 4 Seater, constructed using a Carbon Monocoque bodyshell with engine sourced from the Lamborghini Murcielago; and a cool $250,000 as the target selling price.
One very exciting part is that the sketches back then on the Lagartijo does closely resemble what was shown to us by Lamborghini, at least the rear, when compared to the montage which was done by mirroring one of the released images of the rear left section, and then photochopped to the 1st teaser pic of the rear exhaust.

Below, you can clearly see the sketches of the earlier Lamborghini Lagartijo interior, sporting the four seat layout, and a very clear etch of a huge engine upfront, and plenty of luggage space at the back. (for a Lamborghini of course, now go back to your Corsa if you're whining already)
Clearly showing that the Urus/Estoque/Lagartijo that Lamborghini will be unveiling in another week is not some 3 minute job theat they're trying to do to catch attention amidst the publicity the Panamera GT and Rapide has been garnering.