Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The ultimate speed slowing road block

In an effort to stop huge trucks going into the quiet countrysides, the local district governments at China's Fu Ping district had constructed what ought to be the ultimate collection of 5000 years of civilization's wisdom. They've constructed a 60cm high, 2.7 meter wide twisted road to either test the people's patience, their driving skills or their sense of humor.

These reports came from when a car got stuck in one of the slaloms and caused a massive traffic jam. Adding to the outright absurdity, this used to be a two way road, and it's still a two way road, hence cars from either side would have to wait (forever?) till the road's cleared from either direction to begin their driving test of a lifetime. Some way of 'preserving' the environment huh? There's another photo below of a truck waiting fo a motorcycle to pass before they start their ordeal. Hit the jump for it, and there's a video from Dubai on how the government create enormous speed bumps to curb speeding, watch it till the end, as the video's called 'Flying Gallardo' for some apparent reason.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is Fu**in crazy!

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