Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dirty exhausts, key to overcome Global Warming?

In the 1970s and 1980s, hundreds of thousands of Africans died in the sub-Saharan drought, lasting many years, the once a year Saharan monsoon just kept failing, rainfall just didn't come. Scientists was puzzled, many were just guessing this is perhaps an effect of Global Warming, that the rain waters might have gone 'somewhere'.

On 12th of September 2001, upon the bombing of the WTC, all civilian planes of any kind were grounded, and there's is an immediate effect directly, average temperature for the 3 days where all flights was grounded, temperature risen by 1 degree Celcius.

Now this is truly baffling, as we're all accustomed to the 'common fact' that cars, planes, factories, all produces greenhouse gases, which then trap the heat from the sun, and subsequently global warming, a phenomenon where the Earth's temperature was slowly rising due to human activities, destroying the balance of nature.

Many might conclude that such irregular activities might have it's 'coincidences' where perhaps there was solar activity 8 minutes 20 second light years away. Now on the fourth day, where flights was allowed to resume, the area where was under temperature check, immediately returned to 'normal' levels of temperature.

Closer inspections, and upon investigations and collaborations between meteorologists from various countries revealed a staggering, shocking phenomenon. Throughout the years on ground level, the entire world has been receiving lesser and lesser sunlight.

This connects back to the first case where out of a sudden, the monsoon just failed during the 70s and 80s for sub Saharan deserts, scientists reveals that there was a belt chain on the Atlantic Ocean near the Equator, where the sun would warm the ocean and brings then brings rain to the Sahara every year, however, due to increase pollutants in the air from European countries in the 70s and 80s, the pollutants in the air drifted South, around the equator and acting as a giant mirror and shade, causing not enough sunlight and heat to reach the ocean, this results in the failing for the monsoon to form.

Somehow it turns out, in the early 90s, Europeans began strict laws of emission controls, where the sudden drop in pollutants allowing sunlight to reach the oceans, heat up the ocean and bring moist air onto the Northern Africas and results in the sub Saharan monsoon rain returning. The shading off of the sun's ray, is called Global Dimming, where sunlight was prevented and reflected off our surface by air pollutants.

Sounds like a good thing, however, studies had shown that temperatures in Europe had steadily risen for the last few years, through the drastic cutting down of air pollutants, having a clearer sky, where on the other hand, 'clean' invisible CO2 still was pumped into our atmosphere, trapping heat. The introduction of catalytic converters, literally meant contributing to Global Warming?!

Fundamentally, this shocks scientists from all over the world, as all over the world scientists have been calculating the amount of CO2 that was pumped into the atmosphere, combining billions of tons every year, however after much speculation and fear, global temperature had just risen by a mere 0.6 degreee celcius, the imbalance between the calculated models and what was happening had baffled scientists until now - Global Dimming, had been shielding off the effects of Global Warming all these while, our pollutants, where one traps heat, one reflects off. Meaning we have miscalculated, misinterpreted Global Warming's seriousness all these years.

If all of our cars are equipped with catalytic converters, reducing the shield reflecting off sunlight, the Polar ice caps, the Antarctica, Greenland would've melt, global sea water level would've risen far higher than what was predicted, and shoreline cities, would've vanish quicker.

Which should we go for? Global Dimming? or Global Warming?


Anonymous said...

We should stop burning fossils and watch as we become one.

Gary Way said...

I think global warming is a better alternative than global cooling.


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