Thursday, January 8, 2009

Honda cancels Rear Wheel Drive V8 sedan, S2000 replacement

With the current dire economic situations, Honda had earlier on canceled their commitments towards Mother Earth F1, then they turn their backs on NSX fans that had since waited for a replacement from year 1990, and would soon die old waiting for the long overdue new NSX that Honda had long promised. However, that's not all the bad news, earlier on Honda had revealed intentions of coming out with a true contender for Acura, of which had long been unable to tap into the markets of the high end market in North America, where Lexus, BMW, Mercedes all offer big, rear wheel drive sedans offered with V8 engines, hell even Hyundai had one that's doing very well.

Today, they've canceled their plans for this RWD V8 Sedan. Don't choke yet, there's more bad news, Honda had decided to cancel the S2000 successor.

All blame goes to Lehman Brothers we presume. For non Honda fans however, we have good news, although all efforts, monetary or spiritually, would be towards the creation of the Prius Honda Insight Hybrid; there's now news of Honda contemplating on merging the North American/Asia Honda Accord with the Euro/Japan Honda Accord.

Very good, as we've always find that the NA/Asia model is too huge, bulky, ugly. But could this mean that Honda's downsizing? As the NA/Asia Accord is likewise the size of a BMW 5 Series, whereas the Euro/Japan Accords were of the 3 Series' size. The NA/Asia Accord is also offered in Japan thou, under the moniker Honda Inspire.

Hmm, isn't this familiar? There's 'another' manufacturer that had all but forgotten about their Supras, Celica, Trueno, Levin a while back.