Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Kia Soul is the real FUNK !

The Kia Soul that debuted in Korea earlier on signals a new era for KIA, not only that it looks good, but for the first time, it gave reasons for someone to purchase a KIA other than having to drive around with the least minimal cost on living in incurs. The Soul not only looks cool, its funky and its the closest thing to a Mini Cooper from Korea for what I see. Now don't get me wrong and start flaming me with whatever god forsaken reasons, people buy Mini just because they like them. Period. And I think this could be the first Korean make that hits that jackpot, the styling itself does so, in short, it makes you want to live with Soul (of course with minimal costs as well). My only problem with this car? It would be great to have the 'SOUL' logo as an option for me to replace it with the KIA logo on the bonnet. Check out the funky add-ons available for the Soul, a quick glance at it, it stuns me with the fact that everything just seem to 'suit' the Soul perfectly, I mean, we all know Mini Coopers can fling around with the Union Jack or polka dots or whatever and no parents will stop their daughters from dating one with excessive 'paints' on their Mini (try doing that with your 1 Series), but the KIA Soul, for some weird reasons, does fill the bill of these funky add-ons IMO.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of remote starter shown in 2nd photo. The 1st & 2nd wheel design from right seem to be the trend now, very cool.

Somehow, this Soul reminds me of another Funky car from Toyota/Daihatsu i.e. bB or Coo shown here: I prefer the Coo design. This car in taiwan costs RM63k+ after conversion.

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