This is something predictably expected, only thing is it caught us as surprise that the poor Prius was the only one being targeted. Starting with 'uneducated', 'uninformed' so-called environmentalist's outcry to banish SUVs, Sportscars, Supercars or any automobile for that matter, blaming cars as the primary suspect for Grenn Houses Gases that results in global warming, these greenkeepers, started off with stares, then a kick, then a brick to the windscreen and some even burning SUVs in protest for the 'environment' - Where in fact, the fart from all cows constitutes to more green house gases than all of Porsches, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Land Rovers combined!
Now the backlash came, the other side angry at environmentalists wrong doing, had begun their retaliation, and sadly they picked on the icon for environmentalists, thus there are now plenty of cases where these people would just walk up to parked Priuses and begin smashing their windscreen, setting fire upon, and other sorts of vandalism in USA.
We strongly condemn such act as a vehicle is the second most expensive purchase of anyone besides a house, and what if the husband were to rush the wife to the hospital for delivery and found out his Prius was vandalized?