Then came 3M calling up Scott, asking for the rights to use his photo for their 6 month nationwide In-Store campaigns in the US, Scott negotiated a price with 3M for a meagre $2,000, however was then rejected by 3M saying that they would only pay the exact amount of money that would cost them to replicate the entire stunt, which should be around $1,000. Scott rejected and 3M never called again and went ahead re-creating the Post-It-Note
It's amazing how a behemoth of a company would risk such extensive negative publicity by intending to save $1,000, mainstream media is mass, but social media touched directly to people's heart and conscience, not understanding this really does deserve the 3M marketing personnel (name withheld thou we have it) a boot from the department.
Extremely not cool, and we, like many others will stop using 3M Post It Notes.
Check out the original creation by the folks at Inphonics