One of the largest Japanese tuner, Trust (Known as GReddy in USA) had declared bankruptcy following declining demands in Japan and abroad, mainly due knock-off products from China and cheaper variants from emerging tuners. With $60 million in debt, the 32 year old company employing 190 employees has been at the very forefront of aftermarket tuning products, rank amongst the best with Apexi, HKS, Blitz. We're very sad to hear such news and hopefully they can be salvaged. One thing hit our mind thou, although popular claims were all saying it must be China's fault (yeah, everything's China's fault); we can't help but notice recent trends in major manufacturer's products. Plenty of manufacturers started offer more complete packages to their lineups, with customers able to choose the desired rims, stiffer suspensions, bodykits all with the manufacturer's warranty still intact. This we suspect, is the major cause of the shutdowns of aftermarket tuners.
I was just thinking of these guys! I think without tying up with a manufacturer it will be hard to survive. Also if they are tied up the manufacturers subsidiary offices can report any knock-off products. Apparently HKS has tied up with Hyundai for SEMA. Smart move for Hyundai to get into the Fast & Furious scene and good for HKS to open up to Hyundai customers as well. Symbiotic!
Yeah, tying up is crucial. Yet, it's also about the 'completeness' of manufactured vehicles, previously, vehicles left alot of desirable stuffs untouched, hence aftermarket performance parts, however with competition getting ever tougher, most products we see nowadays left little to be improved upon.
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