Scuderia means Racing, means extreme, without compromise. The F430 Scuderia even came without carpets, as that would 'increase weight' of which Ferrari had taken into account where perhaps the increase weight could result in affecting the car's cornering capabilities by 0.00000002% - Or whatever justification. But what's the point of a stripped out version cabriolet? Removing 100kg and then add 100kg (speculated) of mechanisms and reinforcements to the chassis for the 'racer' to cruise along the beaches on a Sunday drive? Another evident of Ferrari run by the marketing departments, which builds on the success of the technological, ideological prowess first set foot by those brilliant engineers?
What's your point of view?

I don't think this car is that big of a shocker. Its impending launch was never in doubt in the first place. Even with all its racing pedigree and aspirations, Ferrari is still a money-making business.
The F430 Spider outsells the relatively harder Coupe by thousands.
And while the Scuderia Coupe is even harder still, there is a market for a semi-hardcore Spider version. If anyone can keep the handling deterioration to a minimum, it's Ferrari.
And anyway, a good chunk of Spider buyers are poseurs, they'll never even go near the car's handling limit, let alone complain about its inferiority compared to the Coupe's.
PS. 430 Scuderia has no 'F' in its name.
Quote: Hafriz said...
...PS. 430 Scuderia has no 'F' in its name.
Actually, it's correct to put 'F' in the name. It's belongs to the F430 family with special version such as Spider, Pista(i.e. racing version of Challenge), GT2, GT3, Scuderia.
Also can read up here http://www.leftlanenews.com/ferrari-f430-scuderia.html
Happy Motoring !
Yeah of course it belongs to the F430 family.
Just that the Scuderia is officially known just as the Ferrari 430 Scuderia. I don't quite know why they dropped the 'F' in the name, but yeah, that's just how it is.
You can check it in any one of the official Ferrari sites.
Appreciate your eagle eyes Hafriz. I'll dub you Harrier Hafriz from now on. LoL~
Appreciate your eagle eyes Hafriz. I'll call you Harrier Hafriz from now on if you don't mind LoL~
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