German tuner Edo Competition Motorsports GmBh had reached their hands deep down the bellow of the Ferrari FXX. What?! Ain't FXX is already a creation of Ferrari's magic hands on the Enzo? Sort of yes and no. The FXX's creation was a special program by Ferrari that involves a car so advance and extreme that only 30 were made and it's only sold to hard core Ferrari advocates that knew a thing or two about racing, and Ferrari-ing, the owners will have almost open access to Ferrari's test tracks, enjoying their track days with Ferrari monitoring the systems closely for data analysis and the owners would also provide their feedbacks to Ferrari. A development program that involved Ferrari owners, of which technologies obtained or created would then be slowly adapted in future Ferraris. Such an extreme program of course calls for extreme performance, and the FXX is no joke, as it produces 800hp at a screaming 8500 rpm, and of course being a track car, it's definitely very low.
Well, it ain't extreme enough for Edo, as knowing no matter how rich you are, you could only get your hands on the second best Ferrari Enzo is never a good thing (if you're not selected by Ferrari for the FXX Program), hence having gotten their hands on one FXX, Edo starts their modification on making it street legal (in short, it can now go over speed bumps). Of course starting off means they would have to make do with 'sacrifices' (we would assume) to cater for the real world, meaning the racing tyres and rims would have to be changed (changing ride height as well), they would now need to install catalytic converters that's cleaner, brake pads as well. Well surely changing from a track biased car to a road legal, would mean it should go slower right? In fact this thinking goes exactly in the opposite of Edo's core company believe, that is to make cars go faster, hence a quick tweak to the ECU found that there's still 80hp waiting to be squeezed out, hence this road legal 880hp FXX actually has more horsepower than the FXX Evolutione (Second stage FXX, improved from data obtained by first stage FXX) which pumps out 860hp. For the time being, Edo will be keeping the Edo FXX, and should any of those lucky selected owners of the FXX or FXX Evolutione likes to have a trip down town hunting for some Enzos, they can give Edo a call. Photo below, the FXX Evolutione, spot the difference with the FXX?