Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2008 Paris Motor Show: Citroen GT Concept Teaser

Update: Following our un-eagerness of reporting anything should Citroen decides to 'leak' another teaser of the white lady scantily pulling her skirts up, the threat seems to be in full effect that Citroen somehow decides to do something that shows more 'sincerity'

Now there's a video! Of what seems like some Star Trek escape pod, and a 'tail?' behind? Now this is all wacky and exciting.

HOWEVER if during the Paris Motor Show, Citroen's booth were to feature a slab of 50 inch LCD TVs hooked up to a PlayStation 3 and playing in Hi-Def showing this GT Concept cruising along Trial Mountain... that would be so ... bandwidth wasting for the last week. Honestly speaking, teasers are meant to be minimal, and let the heat and patience burn, dragging on everyday with teasers after teasers are what we call LAME. And there's no charge for lameness.