Hmm, saltwater and electric batteries doesn't quite sound like a likely combination, Castagna did not reveal any information in regards to whether the interior was completely water proof, nor the car being specially painted with saltwater proof paints. Well we couldn't care less as this Castagna 500 Tender Two is too sexy to not want one, and of course the accompanying ... ehem.

Wow! The gear stick is such a good design for bikini gals to play around the beach!
The Butt is so sexy, luv it!
What a bony ass!
err biker .... that's what I would call a B E A Utiful ass ....
okok back to cars ... for kinky stuffs you might wanna check out thegutterpost.blogspot.com cheers!
err Mr. ingolstadt, do u have more of those 'kinky stuffs' blogs ?
sorry anonymous, you might wanna google it yourself. I'll take note on kinky cars thou. Cheers!
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