Sunday, August 24, 2008

Pirated, illegal Top Gear Videos by Top Gear themselves!

After thousands of Top Gear video clips being carefully selected, cut, edit and uploaded to the internet, be it YouTube, Metacafe or LiveLeak, Top Gear videos are a must have for YouTubers and car lovers alike, and the patience, of those who 'contribute' are appreciated in millions, however Top Gear had a problem with those, as they claim these are illegal, pirated use and distribution of the BBC production and are deemed illegal.

But there's a saying, if you can't beat them, join em, and this is exactly what BBC had done, they've decided to come up with their own YouTube channel and upload 'legal' videos in YouTube, perhaps hiring an entire team dedicated to doing so when actually there're already many out there who does it for free.

Hit the jump to watch the welcome video from Top Gear.