Wednesday, August 13, 2008

BMW - New 7 Series Technology Showcase

Every few years, the automotive industry's technology threshold will be pushed forward with the launch of very subsequent flagship models from the German Trio.

The Space Frame construction of the Audi, the heads up display from BMW, and Mercedes pushing the boundaries ever further with the launch of it's S-Class, if you would want to know what our cars would be equipped in 10 years or even 15 year's time, just go for a test drive in a Mercedes S-Class.

The new BMW 7 Series, launched just recently had promised to set new benchmarks in automotive technology, and BMW AG had just revealed new footage of just what's jam packed in this seemingly 4 wheel, unassuming large executive.

Hit the jump to know more and watch the videos

A short note on what's shown on the
  • Driving Dynamic System
  • Lane change and lane departure warning system
  • Active cruise control and front-to-rear collision warning system
  • Night vision with person recognition
  • Head-up and speed limit display

Dirk Häcker. Director of Functional Integration talking about the various technologies including Integral Active Steering, Driving Dynamic Control and its effects and the integrated chassis management.