Gerard Mellin, a UK businessman committed suicide shortly after a quarrel with his wife. They were reported to have been in the process of filing a divorce and Gerard was said to have intended to deny any form of compensation to his wife.
Hit the jump to uncover why we chose such a title for this post.
Gerard then tie one end of the rope to a tree, the other to his neck, sat in his Aston Martin DB7 Volante and go full throttle out into public roads, terrifying other drivers when ... YES, his headless body was later found still in the driving seat, with his head dropped snugly at the backseat.
According to Mrs Mellin : "We had split up and been to court. He wanted me to walk away from the farmhouse and the business and leave me with nothing...so we met in a pub after a court hearing and he started having a tantrum. As we made our way back to our cars he opened the boot and said: "There's my rope, that's what I'm going to kill myself with." I told him to grow up and give me the rope. But he just laughed."
What if Gerard had gotten himself a Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe instead of the Aston Martin DB7? What do you think? We could almost imagine RR's Corp Comm and Marketing head's getting a midnight emergency call for an EGM.
Trees and Super Cabrios will now have a peculiar relationships, check out the DB7 and Phantom Drophead Coupe :