Thursday, July 10, 2008

Toyota Camry Hybrid Engineer - Worked Till Death

Japan's Heath Ministry had ruled the death of a Toyota Engineer back in 2006 as 'Karoshi' a phenomenon that had caught the ministry's attention back in 1980s - Worked till death.
Leaving his wife and a daughter behind, the engineer was said to have averaged 80 hours of overtime a month, and would often work long 16 hour shifts.

It's also sad to know that he died one day before his creation - A Camry Hybrid could rush to the Detroit Motor Show. Nonetheless the ruling allowed his family to enjoy extra beneficial compensation from Toyota.

Toyota had responded that they will put more attention to their workers' health from now on.

However as we all know, Japanese are extremely hardworking and in the eyes of baby boomers, the tragic accident of this man is widely accepted as something to be proud of.

Before the tragic financial crisis of end 90s, Japan's society is one that revolves around one's job, a man would not return home before the sun sets, as it's humiliating to do so, staffs would not leave an office if their managers hadn't pack up - fearing he might be in need of their assistance, and companies would employ staffs for lifelong, finance their cars or houses, even helping them matching a spouse.