The next Ford Mustang will make it's debut at the Los Angeles Motor Show on the 19th of November 2008.
It's about time for someone to put an end of the countless 'Special Edition' Ford Mustangs such as the Shelby 500, Shelby 500 GTKR, Bullit, Roush, ZZR1, SSTKR, GRTS400, MSN500, YAHOO300 ok, we went a bit far, but the truth is, we're all tired to see the 'Yet-Another-Special-Edition-Ford Mustang and we all felt its time to move on.
Ford thinks so as well, and decided to take the new 2010 Mustang, the old Mustang and the Mustang with some Mustangs accompanied by Mustangs (now does the Mustang sound cool anymore?)
The Mustang's front was covered by a special Mustang Front Cover 3000R, revealing only slight hints of the Mustang Front Headlamp ST500, revealing the side Mustang WheelArch Cobra
Enough of the Mustang fever? We've had enough, bring on the next; and this round don't ever use a torsion beam on a sportscar ok? Luckily, AmericanMuscle will soon be stocking 2010 Ford Mustang parts to give you the most from your stock Mustang.