Wednesday, July 30, 2008

BMW embarking on another niche model that we don't understand what they're trying to do

Progressive Activity Sedan (PAS), another new term dubbed by BMW, will make it's first debut in 2009's Franfurt Motor Show. The new model will be an entire new range starting off with a 'V', something like the Z3, Z4, X3,X5,X6. The PAS is said to be a slightly larger and longer than the X6, slotting in between 5 Series and 7 Series (like an X6), with a hatch that split folds, only seats 4 person and would be available in RWD or AWD platform.

So it's a sedan that looks like an offroader coupe SUV, but not exactly like an offroader coupe SUV, that is able to seat 4 person, and is slightly longer and lower than the X6 but slightly higher than the 5 Series or 7 Series.

Pardon us but, WHAT DA F@*& are they thinking?

Here's another rendering of the rear by Motor Authority: