A new marketing strategy deployed by Audi Australia, all we can say is - COOL !
As quoted:
"The eight tonne glass and aluminium Brand Terminal's inaugural outing features Audi's new TTS Roadster sports car, available late July, and creates a new consumer touchpoint that reinforces the premium positioning of the brand.
"Our goal is to make the brand more visible in a way that fits Audi's sophisticated and premium positioning. This is a new channel for us and opens the door to further embrace experiential marketing," said Audi Australia's General Manager of Marketing Immo Buschmann.
"It is also a first for Audi globally and there has been great interest from our other markets as the Brand Terminal uses Audi's global architecture for new facilities. We call these new dealerships 'Audi Terminals' like the one we recently opened at Five Dock, making it an option for any country where we have a presence. You could almost call it a one-car Audi Terminal. "
Source: GermanCarBlog