Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pupjoint making waves into the automotive industry and then to everything else

With the advent of the internet finding ways seeping into everyone's life these days, and Web 2.0 helping the development of pure interest base media, nothing to do with profits, nothing to do with intentions. Contents that interest people would play the role of kings. From the early days of William Hung singing Ricky Martin's She Bangs, the fat boy that finds his way into every mail box, and the worldwide phenomenon of LoL Cats that started from a simple captioned photo of a car that wrotes " I can haz Cheeseburger" which finds its way to TIME Magazine; we now have Pupjoint in the center of attention here, a member of a VW forum which all starts from an innocent posting of a photo of himself posing next to a Volkswagen Beetle.

Source: LowYat