Saturday, September 13, 2008

Catch this phrase: " Ta Fu Jen Tu Sa Bun Chi Ta

Watch this commercial of a Japan only Toyota model dubbed the Vanguard, catch the phrase above in the video. If you could, the Japanese government might just qualify you as a resident there for being able to speak japEngrish.

Post the time frame where you caught the above phrase. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

20th - 22nd second. LoL

en cast sshahrul said...

the japEngrinsh quite fascinating...
LOL..."tough and gentle 7-seater" :D

Bobby said...

Hi Shahrul, I was actually in the midst of preparing a report on Toyota and decided to know more about the Japanese only offers .... was in a serious mood thou, and practically 'admiring' the good proportions of the Vanguard until the 20th - 22nd second as Julian pointed out, it got me pulling the playback indicator again and again in full LOL mode, and of course the last mention by the male actor of the word 'Vanguard' just adds the icing to the LoLcake.

Welcome to wheelsweekly, do let more of your friends know bout this blog k? cheers!

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