Quick facts: Volvo invented Three Pointed Seatbelts.
Beside pharmaceutical stuffs, I can't really figure out which single invention saves more lives than our seat belts. Thank god seat belts are invented by Swedes, if it were the Americans, those who buy other car brands would just have to look in awe seeing a Volvo driver walking out of a crashed vehicle unscathed; as its almost very certain they'll ask for $$$
Not only did Volvo invented the seatbelt, but pre-tensioners, seatbelt warning systems and plenty of other advancements in vehicular safety are all invented by Volvo. Safest cars? You bet.
P.S. This Press Release came as a complete surprise to me as it was just today that I was telling someone that Volvo actually invented the seatbelt and made the patent available for all car manufacturers instead of patenting it for money making. Thus my respect for them.