Tiny Pacific Island country Samoa is about to be charted into history books this coming 7th of September, by not only becoming the first ever country to switch sides of traffic since 1970, but also the very first one in history to do it from Left Hand Drive, to Right Hand Drive.
Reports suggests this move is more economically motivated than politically, as with many countries that had switched from RHD to LHD over the past century; Prime Minister Tuilaepa cited because Samoa's two nearest neighbors, New Zealand and Australia are both RHD countries, it would only benefit Samoans when after the switch, poor Samoans will then be benefitted by the 170,000 or so clunkers from these countries
For the record, there's no Right Hand Drive or Left Hand Drive, there's only Right Hand Drive and Wrong Hand Drive. As we're supposed to drive by keeping to the left, with the steering on the right; before Napolean Bonarparte switches it for tactical and political reasons, followed by Americans ideological move to distant themselves from the Brits, then rest is history with America producing most of the world's vehicles after WW1 and WW2.