Of course we do participate, in both condemnation, and also what leads to it. In short, people behave collectively given the environment they're in, and only through education from young, and constant enforcement from authorities will such a mantra of change take place amongst common societal behaviors; yes, in retro speak, this seemingly warm gesture from 'caring parties of our society' will not work, and bad driving behaviors will prevail, and year on year movements like this will come and go, come and go.
Well, put aside the serious talks, there's an interesting poll where voters could pick their 5 most 'Annoying Driving habits' from Malaysians. Currently from the standings, its interesting the most annoying driving behaviors from pollers are "Aggressive Tailgating" and "Drivers who don't use their indicators" with "Mat Rempits" at the third.
First of all, 'Mat Rempits' are not 'bad driving habits'; instead, they're "a unique Malaysian culture that just need a better environment to further develop their amazing skills" according to yet another one of our (lagi) amazing politicians.
Others are usual culprits of what contributes to road accidents. There's only a handful that I disagree thou:
1. Lack of attention caused by talking on the phone - Drivers lack attention because they have to lookout for police officers who might be lurking nearby. If they can talk freely, they can drive as well as how we used to do it before some smart ass politicians start lobbying for such a claim and then (easily) implements it and completely fails in enforcing it, as its something almost impossible to enforce.
2. Hazard lights on heavy rain - Turning hazard lights ON during heavy rain improves visibility vastly. And since we have two eyes projecting three dimensional images that tells us whether that car is moving or stationary, I don't see a problem.
3. Where's SMS driving? This is the single most devastating bad driving habit we have now, and thanks to the law that prohibits talking on the phone while driving, (in comparison, talking on the phone while driving is a thousand times more easier for policemen to catch you compared to SMSing), plenty of drivers now switch to SMSing, knowingly its as if driving blindfolded. In fact, chances of you involving yourself in an accident whilst SMS driving is 23.7 times more than you don't, whereas talking on the phone while driving is 0 times more accident prone. Of course, dialing your phone (which is allowed under current law) poses 5 times more danger.
My take on the worst driving behavior in Malaysia? Motorcyclists swerving in and out, and cars that switch lanes without first checking.