Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What color is your car? Dupont wonders

You might be thinking what a wall painter like Dupont had to do with cars right? Well they paint them. In fact, Dupont also invents Kevlar, a material that's 5 times stronger than steel, yet lighter (Bullet proof vests and carbon kevlar). Ok, not something as hi-tech, but equally interesting, (for Dupont's engineers/physicists/scientists) that is, "Which is the most popular color for cars?"

Results? Well given that they release their study based on regions/significant countries, we can clearly see each varies to a certain degree, only to remind us that there are more boring people in this world compared to daring/artistic ones, as all regions were dominated either by black, white and silver, with a few having gray within the top three, and interestingly, even though white color was North America's favorite color, it ranks very low in China, and China is the only country in the world with a preference on orange colored cars. (What the?!~)

So, with some quick calculation, taking the ratio of colors of cars that's popular in a particular country, and cross tabbing it against world total sales, I've worked out everyone's favorite color. - Silver. So with some simple math, coupled with Dupont's undying desire to know whatever is out there, I've managed to shed some light on Human Sociology - We're more boring than we've ever thought we were.

P.S - My car's maroon.