Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A post on behalf of GM, Ford CEO Rick Wagoner, Alan Mullaly

Rick Wagoner:

"I'm a family man as well, I accepted the job to fix this behemoth of a company, of course there are problems within the company, but we're not sitting on our asses doing nothing. When the American public love SUVs and Pickups, we have to produce them and fight for market share, we have investors to answer with, I have to do my best to maximize profits for the company, were if not, I'm not answering to the responsibilities given to me by my shareholders, my staffs, my employees and my family. Do you think I get paid huge sums just for sitting in the office signing documents? I have to take care of the thousands of families that relies on the company I run. Now what? A paycut? $1 dollar for the hardwork I am doing for the company? Hell we've managed to come out with the Chevy Volt hadn't we? The Malibu is a reasonably good car wasn't it? Gosh we have more linups under 30mpg than any manufacturers! And that freaking jet, gosh it wasn't even me that bought it, and as CEOs, the waste of time for us results in greater losses than that mere $19,100 difference for flying commercial, and now I have to freaking drive 9 hours to Washington to what? For my $1 dollar annual pay? Its for my employees for christ sake! And those UAW buggers are always busy planning for the next strike when I'm humiliating myself, getting paid $0.8 cents a month. "

Alan Mullaly:

"Yeah, what can we do, we have the cars that people are willing to buy, don't we have Hybrids as well? Why everyone's only aftering Prius? And the Feds, they allow the credit crunch to bite in, the banks are not lending money for consumers to buy our cars, and now we're running out of cash, we can't fire employees, our cars can't sell, and we have to drive 9 freaking hours to Washington and those buggers are talking about better plans. What better plans they want? Lower emissions? Isn't it stupid to talk about the environment and having fuel efficient vehicles when oil prices are so low now, and we're cash strapped? If we fail, the US economy will be in a deep shit hole for all I know. "


"Which car do you guys think I should drive to Washington? I was thinking the Viper ACR. "

Wheels Weekly:

How about shutting down Mercury, Lincoln, Saturn, Pontiac, Buick? Move all models under Chevrolet and Ford? That might help exporting these vehicles to overseas where so few ever heard of these brands? Cut all development now for Hybrids or EVs, it drains too much resources, just get whatever you have from Mazda, Volvo, Saab and continue selling them. As for the trucks you find them so hard to sell currently, why not ask the feds to use that $25 billion as loans for the public to buy them? Cut production by half, shut down factories, fire all employees that buy other makes or they can leave the company. Lawsuits? Screw them, FMCG companies do that as well, why should you be politically correct at times of uncertainty?

Face the truth, you have no plan, either you impress the feds by revealing that your plan for the $25 billion are for future developments of Eco cars, so that they have a better answer to the public, or use that $25 Billion for firing employees, detracting contracts from suppliers and shutting down factories. In short, its a deathtrap anyway, using that $25 Billion simply to stay afloat producing more vehicles will mean you'll run out of cash soon if people just don't buy your products.

Answer it on the Fed's face, I will use that money to fire employees, and the other half as loans for purchasing my vehicles, especially for employees. Period. Don't talk about long term now, as a quote from Time Magazine on a separate issue, talking on green cars at times like these is like visiting refugee camps then talk about changing to nicer curtains.