Friday, December 12, 2008

Autoblogosphere spat about bailout plan: TTAC vs Jalopnik

This is rather interesting, Jalopnik, one of the most widely read automotive blog in America, with its distinctive goofy style posts on automotive culture, have always been pro-Big Three, whilst The Truth About Cars (TTAC), another widely read automotive blog in USA, are never shy of expressing whatever they deem facts, whether its on either left or the right side of the opposite of left. (You figure it out)

From a previous post of Jalopnik of the buy a 'Save GM' T-Shirt, where Ray Wert (The owner of Jalopnik) gives hilarious descriptions of the T-Shirt being "100% not made in U.S - just like the future of American cars if Americans don't save their automotive industry"; and added "Buy it now before GM's lawyers ask Jalopnik to withdraw the T-Shirt selling campaign" (As it's an infringement of trademark), where it was then picked up by TTAC's Justin Berkowitz with a comment of "I find this so blindingly stupid that I'm commentless." for alleging Jalopnik's irony approach to 'save' GM. Which IMO, is just plain hilarious.

Now with the Congress approving the bailout bill earlier on, Jalopnik posted a special post reporting on the proposed scheme, with the accompanying of a video from Ronald Reagan's campaign ad from the 80s 'Morning in America'.

Of which then TTAC claims Ronald Reagan, being a pure supporter of free market economy, would've opposed the bailout plan, and posted a video in retaliation to Jalopnik's Morning in America, of a LoLfull title called :"Ronald Reagan on the Bailout"