Friday, December 12, 2008

$14 Billion Loan FAILED at SENATE !!!

Ok, it wasn't exactly George Bush that rejected the bill filed by Congress to provide a $14 Billion loan to GM and Chrysler. Upon gaining the approval from 435 members of Congress, where 237 voted against 170, the automakers stumbled upon their next tumblestone. The US Senates, made up of two representatives from each state, had rejected the bill, where its now officially dead, and GM and Chrysler will be in dire condition, where their remaining cash reserves will be running dry anytime soon.

This is a very serious blow to the already dire economic situation, where upon blows of undesirable news had greatly hampered US consumer confidence, where a slight turn have giveth a shimmer of light a few days back when Congress agrees to file for the bill to support the automakers, of which forewarned by financial analysts, should they allow GM and Chrysler fail, like Lehman Brothers, it will send another ripple effect throughout the entire US economy, which would indefinitely affect the world and send another wave adding to the downward spiral that's been helped afloat by hundreds of trillions governments all around the world had poured in to keep the boat afloat.

There's no word of faith to tell everyone what's to hope for now, as practically the bill is dead for time being, and GM, Chrysler would have to grit their teeths and see what's bulldozing their way as this article's being posted. Let's pray.

Like I said, it wasn't Bush that opposed the bill, however, what if he hadn't spend that much money in Iraq's WMD war? The War of Mass Deception?