There are certain things in the world that gets everyone going "Why didn't I think of it?" And there are something such as this that gets us all going "What are they thinking??" A Ferris Wheel that gets your wheels up in the air. While it may look fun driving your car up to this and catch a view,(not exactly good one I reckon) I can just imagine sitting in the car looking out of the windows, side mirrors and go yawn. Oh, it could only take 4 cars at one go. And just guestimate how many tons of iron steel mined by those hardworking miners and molded by our hydro power stations got me even depress into thinking why people waste these sort of money and most important of all RESOURCES creating something that no one ever asked for? Its as if creating a bus that motorcyclists could ride on and pay a fare and then get stuck in a traffic jam. Stupid? I'd say IDIOTIC.
Source: StrangeCosmos