Monday, November 3, 2008

Petrol Price's Rise and Drop - Change cars? Don't drive? OR .....

We've all read news of how difficult it was when international oil price hiked to levels never before seen, putting many people out of their cars, halting America's SUV and truck craze, sending GM, Ford and Chrysler (What's Chrysler anyway?) into financial turmoil, with people striking everywhere, complaining as if the world had collapsed right under their feet sending them into hell. Then out came all GodSend fuel saving bullshits, hydroxxxx water for fuel etc scammers that's out there for a quick buck. There's even idiots selling off their cars, loosing potentially thousands in depreciation and bought thyself smaller vehicles for that 'perceived' savings on fuel. Then the term Hypermilling starts emerging, where people Googled for better methods of driving to save fuel, involving careful acceleration of the vehicle, upshifting early, switching off aircon and opening their windows, then closed their windows and suffocate to death when they go beyond 80km/h - All in the name sake of saving that few pence at gas stations. Vehicles of driving enjoyment became tools of hatred and disgust, and all of a sudden, the enjoyment of driving an Alfa Romeo became no match for savings achieved driving a Toyota Yaris or Perodua Kelisa for that matter.

Now, look at the pictures above and below. Familiar? Go a round your house and check for these 'Complete-waste-of-earth's-natural-resource' products that people call souvenirs. Ok, some may be worth keeping but seriously, what's the use of that music box that when you turn it trickles music? Where you gonna put it in say 2 months time? And notice the toilet flush on the lower left corner of the lower right picture? It is utter and complete useless in its perfect form, the only function it has is for you to flip the lid open, and then there's a smiling poo looking at you. WTF does this have in all god's sake usage? And there're cute shushi-like rubber erasers from Japan that you can buy, at $2 USD per piece (RM6).

We have plenty of such in our home, and to spend wisely, cut useless stuffs. Petrol is like vegetable or beef/mutton/pork, no matter how expensive it is, you'd still have to pay, why not enjoy it after you pay? So drive home today with your usual after office fury, and tell whicever friend of yours that own an Alfa V6, to blurp his throttle and remember how beautiful life was, whilst you scour around second hand car selling magazines for some sweet cars that turns your hard earned petrol into enjoyment, rather than a mere commuter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are you saying we should all eat/live/weat lean and go get a F430?

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