Remember the
fiasco about warranty claims for transmission that troubled Nissan earlier on? Ok, its like this, the GTR is really fast, and easy to drive, and anyone, without any racing experience could do the 3.3 second 0-100km/h sprint, mainly because of the Launch Control, where you'd first step on the brakes, then the computer will maintain the correct RPM and then you step on the pedals to launch your car in a really really fast pace, however, in order to perform Launch Control, you'd need to OFF the VDC (Vehicle Dynamic Control) of which would then void the warranty, which is clearly stated in very small alphabets in the owner's manual. This led to the uproar of the GTR community that they felt cheated. To be exact, these features are a nice to have, and its not exactly that the transmission will get cooked the very first time you do something like that, of which Nissan placed a black box in the car that would record every 'fellony' done to the car, and if found to be a case of misuse (misusing a supercar? hhmm) then they will not pay you the $20,000 transmission.
Anyway, everything's settled now, as Nissan will drop the warranty nightmare at the expense of not providing the Launch Control in 2010 models. So that there won't be any arguments about it anymore. Sigh.
No launch control? Where is the fun of driving this car? No fun no drive...
yupe..... i guessed the LC would shave a couple of milleseconds off the drag race.... but the fun of this car is of course chasing ferraris on mountain courses ... where the F430 diver would be sweating ... as for the GTR driver .... listening to some Beethoven perhaps?
For those who can afford to place an order for either the GTR or 911 turbo (as an alternative), getting an aftermarket launch control device shouldn't be a problem at all, and in the near future such device will flood the market place for sure.
Shouldn't the real fun out of such supercar is to negotiate different points on track with highest possible speed and stay alive and in control while listening to Oprah or Chopin or watching jap av?
Anyway, as someone did mention, repeated clutch dumps in an AWD 500hp car is going to break things. You'd have to be delusional to think otherwise.
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