This is seriously humiliating for the US Federal Government that's now trying so hard to justify helping these three companies that had all the support they needed all these years to do business in their home turf, yet all three are suffering threats of a bankruptcy. Even an idiot would know it be simply stupid to wear a tuxedo then begging around for money.
If CEOs of these companies that jointly controls: GM, Pontiac, Saturn, Daewoo, Chevrolet, Suzuki, Saab, Ford, Volvo, Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge, Cadillac, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda etc ARE SO FREAKING STUPID to even do something like this, then they should be fired at the very first place. I guessed there's no cure for these bummers either way, hence the Federal Government should allow Toyota, Nissan and Honda to take out around $8Billion and buy up these three companies headed by idiots, then declare bankruptcy, dissolve these three companies and sell everything away and enjoy the largest automotive market in the world all by themselves.