Well in case you're wondering what makes the title valid, this is an Abarth CPU, with Intel's fastest chip to date, the Core i7 Extreme 3.2 Ghz, which will waste the dust out of our 'already fast enough' Core 2 Duo chips, hence making it effectively faster than the Ferrari laptop from Acer - by miles apart. Thou I fancy the scorpion Abarth logo very much, I couldn't say the same thing about this uninspired CPU housing design that looks like a mashup of a 6" speaker casing on top of what seems like a portion of Beijing's Olympic Bird Nest Stadium on top of a PlayStation
3 2. And as much as efficient it can vent heat out, it could be a nightmare cleaning this Abarth. That shiny red STARTER BUTTON does its job of 'Please-pull-out-your-wallets-now' pretty well thou.