Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Will these stupid cars go down the drain?

Just not too long ago, petrol prices hit $140 USD, and the big three from US suffered a huge blow with the sudden vacumn-ization of their SUV sales, of which they've relied on for eons, then comes news of GM and Ford loosing billions just a quarter into 08, with the world's largest Chevrolet dealer going bankrupt, then the severity of the sub-prime crisis starts effecting the economy, and everything seems gloomy, extremely gloomy. Then it was the rise of the stupid looking, wallowy riding 2 seater electric cars, all of a sudden, everyone from every corner in the world suddenly wakes up and figures what they need is an electric car, with every single manufacturer out there citing 'possibilities' of a hybrid/electric/fuel cell car, or sports car, or SUV. Today, petrol prices even hit $60 USD, and from around $4 a gallon, its now around $2.80 USD a gallon, and truck sales had risen 14%. We all know how forgetful we all are, and with petrol prices seemingly normalized, will these stupid electric cars finally go back to where they belong - books, powerpoint slides ?