No choice then, you just have to pay for the price of being late, or to say, the price to pay when you're not the key player, or the upper hand in whatever that urges you to chase time, and to meet up to. Playing the lower hand is not always a good thing. However, it's quite good when the supposed last minute thing, is to drive the latest Subaru Impreza SGT that was just launched yesterday in Malaysia; had it be a Toyota Innova, I would've yawn and continue my ABC filling, but there's very low resistance when it comes to driving something that spells IMPRESSSS-AAH followed by three unknown, unheard of moniker that goes by the usual alphabets that adds 1 or 2 horsepower (R, S, G, V, T, I) and this one picked SGT for a good combination of 250 horsepower.

It was a late night, around two in the morning, and then the car arrived, without much drama, no that's not the correct word, it should read "Without much Subaru." Yeap that sounds more adequate. The car just whimsels by and got parked, followed by a creaking sound of the handbrakes pulled. No sign of screeching tyre marks, no little kids awakened from their sound sleep, and most astoundingly, no one noticed this is the yet to be seen, new Subaru Impreza Version 10. I could swear the bug eyed version 7 would still command eyeballs and respect/fear but this, the version 10 feels like a Corolla with a hood scoop. No, not exactly a Corolla, for when I was handed the keys, the very keys to unlock this rallybred legend where Colin Mcrae tears across the ego of other drivers, the key was astonishingly humble, or another spelling that goes 'Proton'.
Off I go, reversing out like a Corolla again, and gently stepping on the pedal like a Corolla driver again. Nothing in this car suggests there's a 250hp engine underneath the bonnet except the huge hood scoop, which actually in Impreza terms wasn't huge at all as I couldn't feel my line of sight was bothered like that in the Version 8 or 9, I couldn't feel its there all the time, which is good and not good. For people who go for Imprezas, they loved getting screwed, they love answering why not the Evo, and they love telling people about the perfectly asymmetrical 4WD system that gives perfect weight distribution, and they love telling people how different their horizontally opposing cylinders reduces the effects of Newton's discovery, offering a lower center of gravity to give the car a more taut, road hugging driving characteristics. They loved being troubled, they loved being questioned and screwed, and this hood scoop is not screwing me enough. Perhaps its not the STi, as this is the USB, oops SGT pardon me.
Then comes a straight, empty road at about 2:30am, which is the correct spelling for 'Floor It'. Then I kicked down, awaiting the tremendous kick behind from the spooling of turbo chargers compressing air into the combustion chamber and unleashing all 250 mad horses and ... and ...
I lift my foot after one and a half second flooring it wondering if there's anything wrong with perhaps some hidden settings in the armrest or sun visors or hidden steering button; as nothing came out from the moment my foot lunges to the bottom of the foot well with the poor pedal underneath it and ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED milliseconds later, nothing happened. I tried again and its the same (perhaps its the USB, oops SGT version, I was thinking), nothing happened from within 2 seconds of kick down whilst I'm cruising slowly at a speed of around 25km/h, which is the easiest speed to feel the kick from any car. I could almost swear a Corolla would've won if this is a 30 meter sprint.
The turbo lag is apparent, and such turbo lag is exactly the kind that plagues turbo cars in the 90s, the red maroon 1.8T parked right behind, had; but one that key rivals of this RM185,689 Impreza doesn't, one that goes by a more subtle name, some little ball game loved by Tiger Woods. Then given another go, I held on to it pass the 1.5 second mark, and then comes the madness, the feeling of being pushed by 250 horses becomes apparent; however its not in the way of a huge kick from the back where I'm being pushed by those 'Sports Seats' (No mentioning of Recaro here, hmm Parliamentary job again I doubt) that weren't too hugging, but rather a smooth but urging whoosh pulling me towards the horizon. The difference is like your speakers suddenly tripled in volume or you yourself actually turning the dial from Volume 1 to Volume 9, every incremental point could be felt, that's what the Impreza SGT feels like when the turbos spool and produce all 34kgnm of torque together with the 1,390kg and the 86kg me (mind you, I have big bones. ehem) ahead.
Leaving the turbo lag alone, I was then aiming for the next thing that raises my eyebrows, the 4-speed automatic gearbox with SportsShift, one that comes with manual overwriting gear changes in an electronically controlled automatic gearbox - which in short is a primitive 10 year old technology. I couldn't care less about the number of gears in the transmission box, more I'm wondering in a world currently dominated by automated manual transmissions, and of course the class leading DSG gearbox in the Golf GTi, (a RM200,000 car the Impreza plans to undercut and outperform) that shifts in 8 milliseconds, I'm wondering how would this fare, and I'm surprised to find that it actually shifts gear more or less the same time it took me to shift in a manual, of which being that I'm no Keichi Tsuchiya, it's painstakingly slow. In fact, it takes about the same amount of time compared to the 11 year old yours truly 5 speed gearbox to shift or downshift, albeit without the jerk and clank again. It would also help if Subaru could remind themselves that even the new Honda City comes with paddle shifters on the steering.
Traditionally, people with around RM250,000 would automatically go for a BMW, then came a time when Mitsubishi finally realize how to make a civilized Evolution 7, much that got over with the propeller logo prestige, and lingering between dying of boredom with driving a 1.8 ltr 4 cylinder BMW crosses over to Mitsubishi Evos; Subaru remains elite. Subaru remains alone standing tall with pride as hard core fans amongst hard core enthusiasts amongst hard core drivers were still worshiping the prowess of these magical 4 cylinder Boxer engine turbo charged road warriors, the sound of these magnificent engines alone would've been enough to captivate anyone with a little drop of petrol in their blood, not to say those outrageous scoops and signature spoilers at the back, becoming an instant recognizable cult culture in the automotive scene.

Subaru intends to come into the Malaysian market with this RM186k 'hot' hatch with only one selling point of having a 250hp engine, and nothing else, no refinement in build quality, a lack of proper amenities, a primitive gearbox and a rather lack luster styling, and of course most deadly of all, no manual version and no huge scoops and spoilers and noisy exhaust.
Is it a bit too rush to bring in the Version 10 Impreza SGT? Where everyone are still longing for the Version 9? Or is it too rush for Subaru or Fuji Heavy Industries (Subaru's parent company) putting too little time to decide what they want with the new Impreza? Or simply too little effort placed into the product as most of the funds went into marketing? (Toyota had just gained control of Fuji Heavy Industries by the way)
I have to apologize as the whole thing was too rushed, hence I've only taken one photo from the outside and couldn't take any decent ones from the inside, nonetheless the official photos are there to fill in the gaps. Cheers!
Yep gone were the days where you hear the roar of the mighty Boxer engine. This one is definately a pussy. I dare say a Satria Neo looks better than this.
Hmmm.. With 250hp as their only selling point? How bout 4wd? I bet it would still catch up to the Golf GTi or the Type-R around the corners if only it comes with a manual tranny.
The new Accord, ugly? No no no.. It looks sweet! Well, one man's poison is another man's meat.
Oh, the Satria Neo looks alot better than plenty of cars in the world.
4WD? Well like i mentioned, I tried going around the small roundabout faster and faster, eventually the 205 tyres gave way. Can't feel any difference cos low speed i guess.
Yes, the Accord is ugly, it looks good because its a Honda and merely because it's the latter between Accord and Camry. If the Camry came later, it'll be the prettier one. Or imagine the Accord coming with a Proton logo.
Anyway, heregoes, check it out and see if our Accord's really THAT good looking:
This car is alright besides the interior. Worse is the company that sells it!Lousy service on sales and after sales! It's not sports car anyhow, do not expect to have STI standard!
u noe, less talk n more pictures prolly will get u more viewers dumbass.
u need to see the car live, not just evaluate thru pictures... I did... And I felt the same when I saw it in the internet... Seeing it real changes everything...
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