More often than not, whenever word spread on a possible new supercar on the horizon (an Italian bred especially) an insurmountable urge will somehow get everyone clogging google to get the latest scoop on how it looks from the outside. But when word spread on Lamborghini going ahead with a 4 seater passenger car, plenty were equally astounded on how well will the interiors go, adding to the fact that Lamborghini now lies under the canopy of Audi, arguably the best in the business of creating wonderful interiors in the industry. Now Jalopnik had revealed pictures of the Estoque's interior. Accentuating the exterior styling, the interior was full of triangular, trapezoidal designsand switch gears that almost looks like an F-22 Raptor's missle launcher. Adding to all the drama, there's also an LCD panel for the rear passengers that was housed in a lid that opened upwards revealing a storage box (for DVDs? or BlueRay?) of which we could almost speculate in accordance to the law of momentum in physics, would snap close by itself when the car accelerates. Nonetheless, it certainly looks exclusive and certainly makes this the most desirable Lamborghini to date. Check it out.
Here's the deal guys, we started off as an automotive industry magazine that talks about anything remotely associated with cars. The subprime crisis, the oil spill off the Gulf of Mexico, the Great Tohoku Earthquake are all world issues affecting the automotive industry.
Not only the face of what's happening on a global scale, we delve deep into the auto-journalism ethics, criticizing the increasingly mundane automotive advertising industry, we explained how America's dwindling confidence and rising sense of inferiority complex gave rise and ultimately fueled the media in propagating hatred towards Toyota.
In short, we're serious towards the automotive industry, our scope and depth is what makes us who we are, and we believe there are a lot more aspects towards which we can continue explore with the magazine when it comes to all things automotive. From the wider perspectives covering technological, sociological or even geopolitical, to inner workings of the trends and traits of design and advertising of cars, towards the human aspects that shapes the very cars we drive day in and out.
And this, is the reason why we decide to give the magazine a bump, a revamp into Wheels Weekly: Live Life Drive. Before that comes though, we will be launching an inaugural celebration issue where we chronicle the best of Wheels Weekly. We can't wait, we hope you too.
I am hallucinating...
Yupe, these are the other stuffs besides women that could get a man hallucinating.
it a mint car and they did a good job it is a true fmily car with a fold out screen and lots of leg space but i dont know how much leg space there is
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