Wednesday, October 8, 2008

F1 Car - By Chinese Farmers!

The world consists of 6 Billion individuals, and 1.5 Billion of them came from China, hence effectively there should be more weird 'happenings' from there as well. What you're looking at is actually an 'F1' car with a relatively low top speed of 160km/h. However when you consider that it was created by Zhao Xiu Shun and Zhao Bao Guo, two brothers from TangShan, who're actually FARMERS, and it took them 20 years using scrap metal, door panels, and cooking pots. It is indeed a phenomenal effort. They even mentioned that their only guidance were from magazines and photos. Now, all that's needed is a couple of scrap Boeing Cargo fuselages and a few Haier ceiling fans for that wind tunnel they could put their Farmer1 on test.