Friday, October 24, 2008

BMWindows Messenger 6 Dubai Edition

I have no idea what's on the mind of this owner, but this is one poor BMW M6 spotted in Dubai. (where else?..duh), covered in what seems like something from the lair of the Pyramid of Giza, the M moniker had caught plenty of passerby reactions and of course, the setup does a good job for a quick chatroom session with a few conversations that goes:

"Palis wash mee~"
"Please sell me"
"Is the owner dead?"
"I think so :( "

And the Gold Finger Award goes to:

"I wish my wife was this dirty."

Source: Madwhips via Autoblog


Anonymous said...

you idiots.. i'm giving my M6 a mud spa ...

Anonymous said...

gosh! give it to me u bastard arab

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