Sunday, October 26, 2008

BMW to sells engines to What?! Mercedes Benz?

We've all heard all kinds of joint ventures and platform sharing plans that involves manufacturers for all sorts. While we're always 'ok' with most cost cutting efforts, the notion of thought that runs thru our minds when hearing this rumor of BMW might supply engines to Mercedes Benz had caught us to wipe a few droplets of cold sweat. The most astonishing of this news, is not the sweet 4 cylinders of which BMW had an obvious advantage over Mercedes, but a V12. Yes, a V12, for Mercedes flagships. Are you really that desperate for cost cutting MB? You better make sure it's a worthwhile effort whilst you splurge another few billion in advertising and marketing trying to figure out marketing propositions. These are luxury brands, and they should all retain their characters, especially for flagships. Now I wonder who would have the better bragging rights when a some new Merc S-Class equipped with the V12 supplied by BMW lapped the Nurburgring in a record breaking run for limousines thou.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is just a far-fetched prediction by Autocar.

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