Thursday, October 2, 2008

2008 Paris Motor Show: Citroen GT Concept Unveiled

Finally, Citroen unveiled the GT Concept. A two seater Gran Tourer that looks more like a plane with wheels than a car with wings. With what seems like the car should have normal cruising speeds of 500km/h as the entire car consists of aero-foils that look more like Star Trooper's vehicle. The front features a huge wraparound front air intakes that blends in with the arches and headlights, going all the way down reaching the bottom part of the bumper sides, whoever the seemingly large air vents seems to only direct air straight onto the front wheels, of which from our trained eye, suggests more vortex, suggesting this GT Concept is mere a visual funfair than a wind tunnel study model on aerodynamics, well it sure pleases the eye nonetheless.

Image Source: NetCarShow