After the arrival of Dr Ulrich Bez, Aston Martin's CEO, within four years, AM had returned to profitability, and is currently riding high with record sales. With the Rapide on the verge of launch, AM is now looking at further penetration as currently they're only in about 32 countries. Dr Ulrich believes the limitation came partly because of AM's image as a sportscar manufacturer and to tackle the market with niche products, the AM moniker would not be that flexible and well accepted, hence they will now revive the Lagonda brand, of which by 2009 (Lagonda's centennial anniversary), a concept will be unveiled for production slated 2012, giving AM a more diverse, versatile brand to work it's way into niches. SUVs? 4 door saloons? sports sedan? These are all highly lucrative and competitive markets that we believe AM will try to push Lagonda into. For all of us petrolheads, it's just good and worrying news.