While there's no end to what possible dangers might lurk beneath such everyday routines like filling up in a petrol station. There's however, no end to stupidity in human beings. A guy in Malaysia was halfway pumping natural gas into his Toyota when it suddenly exploded, shredding the car to pieces, luckily the man escaped death with external injuries.
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Initially thought to be the NGV tank installed behind the car's boot, which raised speculations of flaws in installation of these tanks, which was recently widely popular in Malaysia after the government announced an overnight increase in petrol costs by 40%. Creating havoc in the country's already unstable political situations as Malaysia is a member of OPEC (Oil & Petroleum Exporting Country), and yet Petronas, Malaysia's only company with access to the vast oil fields was selling petroleum to the government at market prices. Petronas' creation was highly controversial as being the country's only company listed on Forbes 500, was also the one with the largest profit, which ranks in at Top 20 in Forbe's list of highest profiting companies in 2007, and yet it remains a Private Limited company.
It was later found out that the owner had placed a household cooking gas tank in his car boot, and has been on the phone whilst filling up his car, and the cooking gas tank exploded, with the NGV tank remained unscathed. (Natural gas can only be bought at Petronas' stations)