Anyone not watch The Dark Knight yet? Go watch it. Period.
Aside from the late Heath Ledger's amazing acting, the second coolest thing in The Dark Knight, well sorry Christian Bale, "Ihhhht's nohhhht youh, nohhhr youhhr sohhre throahhht voihhhhce". is of course the Tumbler.
Looking like nothing else, not entirely good looking, not ugly, but definitely very cool. The Tumbler took production crew of the film a few months and a couple of million dollars to design and build it, capable of reaching 160km/h, 0-100km/h within 5 seconds and withstand a drop of 30 feet, the Tumbler is no joke, a very capable
Now we all know Americans are capable of doing anything if they want to, given the vast resources and freedom, hell one day news might report NASA Astronauts met a drifting rogue astronaut from Texas farms some day who knows.
Anyway, Bob Dullam, a definite Dark Knight fan (It's no longer cool to murmur Batman in public nowadays)had single handedly build the Tumbler. Everything except the axles, transmission, engine (you get it) are sourced, custom trimmed and put together by Bob himself; and we must give the kudos to this guy for the exact replica that he had done, which is gobsmackingly awesome! We just hoped that Hollywood directors won't spit their baby cries and goes for a compensation copyright lawsuit on pirated Tumblers.
Check out the custom Tumbler.

any interior shots?
how much did it cost
nice but does it really has a jet enjine??
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