Thursday, August 7, 2008

Israeli Nissan Ad prompts boycott from Saudi Arabia

Its all common that the middle east don't really like Israelis, however this round its not for some air strike or huge bipartisan construction walls, it's aimed at Nissan for a commercial TV ad aired in Israel.

The dispute which uproars the Arabs came when the ad depicts a rich Oil Sheikh spotted a Nissan Tiida/Latio parked outside a hotel and goes medieval on the car for it's fuel efficiency.

We couldn't care less with folks that seems to turn Super Sayan on everything from comics to First Aid workers who had a different faith; this ad is hilarious. It brings the message across, and its a good ad. Hell you can do an ad on Buddhist monks eating meat just to win a Nissan Tiida/Latio for all I care.

Hit the jump to check out the video