We all know spoilers do their job by pushing a car down, sticking onto the tarmac, providing more traction and stability, however the more downforce, the higher the drag, hence lower top speed. To achieve what it claims to be the best in between, Aeromotions had created a spoiler that splits in half, actuated by on board sensors during millions of calculations per second to adjust the angle of the spoiler to give the best compromise - No compromises.
The video released by Aero Motion seems very convincing as it shows when the car accelerates (no downforce needed) the spoiler adjusts itself to a flat angle allowing air to flow by more smoothly, however when it brakes, both aeros angle towards the front, forming a barrier to stop air, and when the car say turns to a hard left corner, where the car's weight would lunge to the right, with the left side supposingly lurches upwards, the corresponding left part of the aero angles towards the front, whereas the right aero maintains level. Very interesting development.
Hit the jump to watch the video:
Source: Aero Motion