Friday, August 8, 2008

Bang & Olufsen announces Mercedes Benz as new partners

After successful collaboration with Audi on providing in car acoustics solution, and Aston Martin jumping joining in the party, Mercedes Benz is jumping on the bandwagon obtaining Danish high end acoustics manufacturer Bang & Olufsen's in car sound system solutions.

Chairman of Mercedes's Management Board Volker Mornhinweg expressed Bang & Olufsen's automotive strategy of seeking only high end auto manufacturers fits with Mercedes AMG's directions. Citing that Mercedes AMG's customer's continuous seek for quality and perfection are in line with what Bang & Olufsen constantly seeks and provides.

B&O CEO Karl Kristian Hvidt Nielsen also mentioned that experiences gained from collaboration with Audi proves to be substantially invaluable for B&O's further expertise into understanding automaker's requirements.

Basically two companies trying to leverage on each other, and giving praises to each whilst inadvertently pulling ownself along within the statement, and B&O of course woes a new client, and not forgetting their existing customers, hence another round of thanksgiving to Audi for their business.