We just couldn't believe our ears/eyes when we learnt of this. Joe D., a 20 year old bloke in Florida brought his Celica to Japworks Tuning owned by Aaron and Brandon. And got down dirty with his Celica, with carbon fiber hoods, wheels, customized interiors, carbon fiber hood with sunroof, amplifiers with full ICE, custom paint job and NOS. Believing they've gotten a serious customer, which actually did brought in some parts and put down some money, went on with the project to transform the Celica which probably was worth a mere $10,000 to a $16,000 job.
Having done, the kid went from doing his car dirty to being outright nasty. We could almost believe Aaron and Brandon's first reaction was "WTF? You kidding me boy?" when Joe said he simply didn't had the money, Joe also denied that he had commissioned so many things done on the car, claiming his intended modifications were minimal. Eventually Joe had to asked his mum, who had recently just financed the hire purchase of the Celica and his girlfriend to Japworks to try retrieving the car (WTF?!); both of their 'solutions' weren't really constructive thou, with the mother offering $60 dollars (Super WTF?!) and his girlfriend enquiring whether they could set up a long term payment plan.
Upon setting up the thread in TampaRacing.com's forums to update members the incident, Aaran and Brandon was approached by certain forumers joining in the discussion claiming they've had previous dealings with this Joe D and turned out sour and shady as well. The police were not involved and it will likely end up with Japworks taking possession of the car and selling it to cover their losses.
Hit the jump to see how 'done up' the Celica was when finally Aaron and Brandon found out the scam and decided to take the photos.

Source: TampaRacing