Monday, July 21, 2008

Running your car on WATER - True?

Since the insane price hike of petroleum, we've all heard of numerous claims that they've debunked the century's worst nightmare by 'inventing' cars that run on water.

Water as 1st graders know consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, both highly flammable source of energy.

But the only way of separating these atoms are by electrolysis, which requires enormous energy, and in the first law of thermodynamics, the amount of energy used to produce something that could eventually release energy, is sadly forever THE SAME.

Now when we talk about hydrogen powered cars, it literally means pumping in hydrogen, where it has been industrially produced using enormous amount of electricity, which is NOT something your car battery can do.

Producing enough energy from Hydrogen that could burn and provide your car with 20 horse power would need an equivalent of 500amps of electricity, most cars batteries can only produce 80amps.

These claims of reducing petrol consumption in your car by spraying a little hydrogen in your engine to mix in with the air fuel ratio is actually true. But to produce the hydrogen needed in your car requires another source of energy, that is the 'fuel' we're talking here.

Installing such devices in your car, would definitely in short term reduces petrol consumption, but by draining your battery, alternator, or like some who requires a device at home, plug into your wall to produce hydrogen, all requires electricity (huge amount of them) to produce the needed fuel - Hydrogen.

Now perhaps some of you would be wondering - "So how about petroleum? Producing it requires energy right?"

Yes, but the raw material, crude oil is produced by the sun through millions of years of "we-don't-know-what-the-process-is-called-in-scientific-terms". That's where the energy that creates our fuel comes from.

Popular Science, a very reputable magazine from US had debunked all such claims through their own experiment (Of which they're definitely aware of the result before hand, but doing so to convince the masses).

We would like to urge all, to use a little bit of common sense, if it were plausible and feasible, the automotive giants would have already done it, you need not wait until these companies to release their 'innovations' from R&D funding from their families and neighbors; and if there's plenty of people out there telling you conspiracy theories with the likes of Shell, BP are using all sorts of methods to stop people from 'not buying their petrol'; can't they earn money from selling you pure water as well? Oh, make your own pure water? If they were so reluctant in letting go of petroleum, why would they build giant wind farms, or spend hundreds of billions in research and development for alternative energy?

There is however, a way of burning water, by using concentrated microwave, however the fuel here is then the electricity that powers the device, hence back to square one.


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